Woah! The weeks have gone by and April's here. right now its another 18 days to exams. 18? Sibei sian. Exams are like rapists: They sneak up on you when you least expect it, and violate your peace of mind. It's too late when you see them, and you'll be left in a devastated heap by the time they're through with you. All you can do is weep in the dark corner of the alley(or mpsh) and cry your heart out, as they light a cigarette and leer at you, mockingly asking "was it as fantastic for you as it was for me?"
At least that's how I feel after my past exams..backside torn..
Anyway I had a wonderful weekend playing mahjong and meeting up with the brothers for siki's farewell BBQ. Have a good trip to South Africa dude, have fun examining elephants and lions. Be wary of mahjong withdrawal symptoms..
Really enjoyed hanging out during the weekend..somehow life doesn't seem that meaningless anymore eh? muhahahaha!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Wham Bam Thank you Madam
as told by
7:20 PM