Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I've got the fever!

I've got the fever!
I'm hot!
I can't be stopped!
woooooooooooo yeah!

bloody hell down with a temperature and the flu bug.World cup fever wasn't the only thing I caught this month.

Have been very busy with my insurance job, will be officially certified by the end of this week. Hence starts my new exciting career with AIA. Everyone looking for financial advice or any sorts of insurance are welcome to give me a ring =)

Training camp starting on thursday..hope I'll recover by then. By the way my phone's ear piece spoilt,so I've got to converse either on speakerphone(too loud) or on my earpiece(too soft). Both ways are screwy so I apologise to all the people who have tried to call me over the past week.

Will try to put up pics of my meal at Sun with Moon at Wheelock. Went there last sat with Liling..ate so much my stomach was bloated till the next morn. Sheesh.