Monday, July 31, 2006

of man-bands and spice women

What a night for the past. Heard songs of the Backstreet Boys and the Spice Girls over the radio today while I was driving to Siki's for a night of huat mahjong. (I finally won money..yaay)
Brought back some memories of my teenage years, back where these groups were hotter than my grandmother's sambal chili. Vaguely remember us singing "I want it that way" to the residents at holland village back we were in sec 3. And singing the damn power rangers song in Orchard Rd during a maths excursion when we were in sec 2. Bloody unglam, yes I know, but we had our fun back then. hahaha. Now I feel sorry for Mr Low, our Maths teacher back then. Oh how he must have suffered. hahaha. Burn Mr Low, burn!

Spent a good 2 hours lazing in front of the telly and it feels damn liberating. Oh how I miss television. Channel 5 is still shitty though. Thank goodness for cable. Just caught Miami Ink, which shows the on-goings of a tattoo palour in...yes you guessed it, Miami! The designs they did were really fantastic. Wonder when I'm going to have enough spare cash to want to get mine..

Procrastination has to be my greatest enemy. Everyday there is this mental list of things that I have to do..and as the days go by this list gets that much longer..can see all these things coming back to bite me in the ass soon. Ouch.

Shit you know you're getting older when songs you remember as the hip and happening are getting regular air-time on stations like class 95 and gold 90.5 FM. Luckily for men, we're like wine. We get better with age! Think Tom Jones. Honestly how many men you know are at his age and considered sexy? Shit man he probably has more lingere flung at him than the entire male population in Singapore has.

On hindsight that may not be a good thing. When I typed the above I was thinking sexy, racy undergarments. Then I remembered the granny undies they sell at the pasar malams, 3 for $10. Now imagine that hitting you right in the smacker. Shit! Not so bad if it's new..imagine if it has been worn before..Tom Jones, my heart goes out to you.

Feels really good to just stay up surfing the net and listening to good music. Things have been pretty busy for me of late. Am trying to do something with my insurnace job, school starts in 2 weeks and the Canoe Polo competition is coming up. Trained my procrastination-bitten ass off for this competition, hope we'll reap the results we want. Woohoo!

It's so easy to be optimistic and cheerful when things are going well and smoothly. It's only when you hit blocks in your lives then does being optimistic become all that more difficult, despite the need for it being that much greater.

Damn I wish it was December already. I love December.