Haha shit I've not blogged for so long, the only people who bother posting on my tagboard are those damn spammers.
At this point may I curse the people who invented adware and spyware to shit in their pants and suffer a prolonged and painful ass infection. I hate you guys. I'm sure irritating the hell out of people would motivate them to buy your products. Smart move asshole. Speaking of which my lap top is back! Had to send it for repairs last week due to my hard drive crashing. I felt so lost after that, it was like I lost my left arm.
Haven't had much luck with devices of late, my handphone's speaker died on me, and the handsfree set followed soon after. Technology hates me lah.
People keep telling me that I should enjoy school while I still can, and that it's a shitty rat race out there. Well, it's a shitty rat race now too so I guess I'll have some valuable experience when I enter the working world. Sem afer sem I spend chasing PRCs...I'm getting a little tired of it.
So what does a semi-jaded 23 year old do when he's a little tired of life?
Tada~The answer:
Brilliant anime series. If you call yourself a mahjong warrior, it is your sworn duty to watch this series. Check it out on YouTube under "Legend of Mahjong". PONG!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Look who's back, Alvin's back..
as told by
4:02 AM