Monday, October 30, 2006

Woes of public transport

In the past few days of using the MRT, I've come to realise that there are numerous types of people whom you just feel like giving a few tight slaps. All the talk about public courtesy by our government has gone down the drain. It's shameful, really.

I've listed a few of these types down in the order which they piss me off the most:

4) The 'die-die-must-get-into-the-train' type (aka shithead #4)
You will see these people standing around the gates trying to act nonchalant. However once the screen flashes the "2 min to next train" message, this special group of people will start pushing one another in a bid to press their pus-filled pimpled noses onto the glass doors. I guess its some sort of game, maybe the person who gets the most pus on the glass gets a special prize of some sorts. Once the gates open, you can hear pleas and cries of help as these shitheads rampage their way into the train, usually crushing the passengers trying to get out of the train. That can't be helped though. Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. What shitheads. I hope they get constipation.

3) The 'i-want-to-look-out-the-window' type (aka shithead #3)
These people are the ones who have to be near the MRT entrance, no matter what the cost. Nothing can be more important to them then the great view of trees, buildings and roads whizzing past them at high speeds. Be warned, they are extremely territorial and will snarl/glare at you if you threaten their prime position by going too near. Apparantly being able to get off the train first when their stop arrives is so important, that a particular lady I met refused to budge from the entrance from when she boarded at Outram Park, all the way to Clementi. To the extent that other passengers boarding the train had to move around her (this was no mean feat, i assure you, for this particular lady in mention was as skinny as Michael Jackson is black). What a shithead. I hope she gets sores on her ass.

2) The 'my-grandfather-owns-the-train" type (aka shithead #2)
These people love to plonk themselves all over the train. Their favourite location would have to be at where passengers alight from, after all which other sitting spot would give you such a fantastic view of everyone's crotch? That's right, that nagging feeling that someone was staring at your privates is true! It's even better if the train is crowded and people have to crowd around you. I sure the thought of standing up to make way for people alighting never did cross their puny crotch-filled brains. What shitheads. I hope one day they get kicked in the face.

And #1 on the charts is......*drumroll please*

1) The 'singapore-idol' type (aka shithead #1)
No these people do not look anything like our 2 singapore idols, nor do they model for 7-11. But rather they love to talk at the top of their voices, letting everyone know what they had for lunch, what they thought of the weather, etc etc. Seriously guys, get a hearing aid if you can't hear each other! No one really wants to know about your private life, and no one really cares! Damn irritating when you want to nap and you're seated right next to one of these guys. What shitheads. I hope they all get sore throats.

These are just some real life cases I witnessed over the past 2 DAYS. So just imagine how many more such people are out there, irritating the shit out of the rest of us regular joes. So do your part for the world. Slap a shithead on the MRT today!