Ok the title was just to catch your attention. Thinking of a title for each of my post sucks, especially when my creativity levels are as high as the hemline of a nun's habit.
Anyway after a month, I have finally managed to go where mere mortals fear to tread. I have conquered the (almost) impossible! Impossible is nothing (yay adidas)! I have..finally managed to wake up in time for my hall breakfast! Like any self respecting hostelite would be awake at this time. If breakfast times were set to suit the waking hours of the majority here, it would be at 12-2pm instead of 7-9am. Seriously lah 7am??
Anyway after eating breakfast. I realised a fact of life, something which would not change even if the oceans were to rise and mountains were to fall. The breakfast in my hall still stinks worse than bus 66 on sundays. Yes, I say STILL stinks because it has been this way since I was a fresh innocent young man in year 1, all the way till year 3 where I am now a old jaded fool. Bah!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Look here!! Free Porn!!
as told by
9:17 AM