This is what I gave Liling for Vday. Damn nice right? It's a one-of-a-kind organiser. No way you will be able to find anything similar in the shops. "Why?" you may ask? Because I spent many hours making it! hahaha I'm like how smart. Hold on a minute...I'm overwhelmed by my creativity.
It's actually a book cover which fits any A6 sized notebook. Only one in existance lor. Even I don't have one. Many thanks to PK who helped me with the materials. Owe you one dude!This is what she got me for Vday. A sushi spread bigger than...heck I don't know what's bigger than it. Maybe my belly? Felt the love! Woohooo! Taken on my incredibly messy table..which you can see in the picture. Sushi = Love.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I am how cool
as told by
2:41 AM