The lush melodies of Royksopp pour out from my old weathered speakers, spilling out of my door and filling every nook and crany of the corridoor with melancholy. Time seems to slow down to a comfortable crawl at 3am in the morning. It's a time which I have grown to become exceedingly familar with, to the point where I now welcome its silent embrace.
It's the 9th week of school, the months have gone by quickly admist the hustle and bustle of life. They say 'time passes faster while you're having fun', which leads me to ponder: What fun have I had? What have I been doing? What has been going on?
My speakers whisper gently to me:
"'Cause in these times, that's no way of knowing"
To be honest, I have very little recollection of the on-goings in my life in the past semester. I don't know if it's because I have become distant to the people around me, or that my life has become a never-ending cycle of mundaneness, or if its because I've become indifferent. And that's what scares me. This banal existence.
I think I need a good holiday. That or many rounds of Mahjong with my kakis. Dudes we gotta play soon man. Seriously.
The music ebbs away, leaving its final message..
"I don't know what more to ask for, I was given just one wish."
Royksopp is power.
"Chants sung by the cold wind, rising from the ice-cold sea to our ears."
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Understanding
as told by
2:41 AM