What an original title for my post. I am creativity incarnate.
It's a humid Sunday evening now, and the weather today has been..to put it simply, screwed up. It was blazing hot till about 3pm, at which it rained for 10 mins, and then the sun came out to fry us all and give us skin cancer. Didn't help that I wasn't feeling too good and puked my breakfast out while taking a dump. That in itself is an achievement though. How many people you know can claimed to have vomited while taking a dump? Now I'm one of those elite few! woohoooo.
Have decided to stay at hall to study for my upcoming exams, last night was spent at home resting up for the next 13 days. The next 13 days aren't going to be pretty for me, I promise you. Even Nwankwo Kanu (talented fellow but ugliest footballer ever) would look like Fiona Xie next to the next 13 days which I will have to go through.
The amount of negativity on our Ministers' pay increase is incredible. Not a single person I've talked can justify the rise to themselves. Honestly I haven't been following the news at all (I only read trashy news, I refuse to face up to the realities of the real world) so I'm in no position to comment. But!! Here's a point which we should have realised by now:
Our government excels in its role in managing our country, even more so when it comes to controlling the populace. No matter what the people say, they are never ever going to admit outright that you may have a point. That would just undermine their authority and position. What we get are mountains of justifications and explanations shoved down our throats in the form of newspapers (or in Singapore's context: newspaper - since only 1 major news publication is read by majority of Singaporeans. And no, The New Paper does not count as another news publication). So seriously..what's the point of it all? Countless issues have cropped up before, and it more or less ends the same way. Government makes a dubious decision. Peopl complain and demand explanation. Government explains their logic. Explanation is deemed insufficient and people demand action. Government shoves their logic up our asses, and we become constipated with all the unjust we feel. What's new?
The people aren't all guilt free either. 1 popular arguement(from what I've heard lah) is how many eldery people have to work hard to make a living while our ministers take in so much more $. They say. "Shouldn't the money be given to them? Save our people! Save the elderly! Damn you ministers!" Well if its such a big issue which eats away at your soul, what are YOU doing for these people then? Do you give up half your paycheck for the unfortunate people in Singapore? Did you just blow your bonus on that nice Europe holiday? Somehow it just reeks of all that constipated unjust, another excuse to blame our government.
Hordes of people are just waiting for bad news so that they can bury our government with accusations. The scary thing is that all these anti-government sentiments are spreading like wildfire amongst the younger generations. What's worse is that most of these people are like lost sheep following the herd. Seems like its the hip thing now to feel all angry and unjust. Personally I blame the whole 'emo' craze. Heh. That's another can of worms waitng to be dug up.
It's easy to point fingers and accuse, but lets not forget Singapore is where it is now because of our government. I just hope for more objectivity, and less angst. Instead of just complaining (which I have to admit our nation is excellent at), go ahead and make the changes if it bugs you so much. Work hard and enter politics. Strive hard to make the changes you want. Either that or shut up. To quote Dr Dre, "Talk is cheap, muthafucker".
I love that song.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Sunday Bloody Sunday
as told by
6:02 PM