One of the most irritating things would have to be: wanting to cut your nails, but not being able to find the nail cutter. I'm currently having a really weird tingly sensation at the tip of my fingers and toes.
Sucks asssssss.
Anyway I've got tons and tons of stuff to mention about in the new year, but I'll sum it into 2 points:
#1 I had a great birthday surprise planned by my fantastic gf, she planned an entire dinner with my ac pals without me knowing. Really tricky. Thank you dear! Not to mention she got me a spanking new PSP Slim. HURHUR. DIE FROM ENVY EVERYONE ELSE! Also love the bag all my other friends chipped in for. Thanks! Felt the love!
#2 I finally launched my competition! Titled: TEEase t-shirt design competition, its open to everyone who has always wanted to have their designs printed and sold on a t-shirt. Do check it out at! Great prizes to be won! Do also tell all your friends. Spread the love! Much appreciated to all the support we've gotten so far :)
last sem in uni..whoohoo..
Saturday, January 19, 2008
as told by
2:20 AM