All I've been doing the past few days is hole myself up in my room to finish up my Private Equity assignment..writing analytical papers are such a pain in the ass. Some how I keep on missing out on the critical points here and there. Oh bother. Thank goodness I don't need the grade to push my CAP so I'm not that stressed out, although there's a really bitter taste in my mouth for submitting such a sub-standard piece of work. Wish I had a week to do more research and re-write the paper..haha yeah right. Who cares! I just need to graduate :)
Picked up a copy of "the First Degree", which is a mag published by Today newspaper on scholarships, the other day with the intention to pass it to my really smart sister who scored 4As and a B for her GP or whatever it's called now. Unless she royally fucks up her degree, she would have beaten me at every single educational milestone. Really proud of her though, despite all my taunts of "You're gonna fail and have to retake your As, la la la~", I'm really happy for her!
I was flipping through the mag and I realize they have chosen to use my batch of scholars to advertise. It's really scary seeing all these familiar faces, and realizing the different paths we've took despite being in the same JC a mere 6 years ago. Makes you wonder where life will take you in the next 6 years..I wonder what's in store for me? (after flipping through a few more pages I realize they make every scholarship sound so fun and interesting. Kudos to the copywriters. They should help me write my resume.) By the way! Went to the RJC site recently and realized they're still using a photo of students from my year on the main page.
Anyway here's one of the very first shoes which I lusted after..the Nike Dunk SB Diamond aka the Tiffany Dunk, designed by Diamond Supply Co. Really sweet colourway, matched with a crocodile skin print and a metallic swoosh to boot. Too bad by the time I discovered sneakers this limited edition baby was being resold at the absurd price of $600(and up). Damn you all resellers hoping to make a quick buck off poor students like me. This is the shoe which I believe was responsible for me almost failing a test as it started me on a 3 hour shoe viewing session online. Aaah..the folly of youth.
Friday, March 14, 2008
click click click
as told by
1:21 AM