Matric card......check
PILOT Super Grip pen......check
FABRE-CASTELL 2B pencil......check
KCK pencil sharpener......check
4 year old eraser......check
It's my final final examinations in NUS, and this time I'm going old school with my 2B pencil and sharpener. Wish me luck!
Gwen Stefani says its 4 in the morning, I've got 4 minutes to save the world, and its 4 times that I've went running this year. Smells like doomsday is upon us. 4 more days to the end of my uni life...countdown to 30 April. ORD loh!
This blog post was proudly brought to you by the number 4, the letters E-X-A-M, and nostalgic influences from the past.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Final Exam
as told by
1:39 AM