It came swiftly and suddenly without warning - a flash of lightning, a crack of thunder, followed by a heavy downpour. Shocked me shitless - The shit in me almost flew out of my ass. Pretty graphic ain't it?
17 April 2008 marks the day of my last lecture I probably will ever experience in my NUS life. PR2202 Perfume and Cosmetics. Out of all the science lectures I've attended, this one definitely has the highest number of girls. I guess that's where all the girls in science come from: pharmacy or life-science. Shows you how lousy I am in trying to meet girls: I joined the Quantitative Finance Major in the science faculty and canoe-polo (8 out of 12 lor. haha). Thank goodness I got lucky :)
Seeing how I'm about to graduate, any job offers out there? Particularly for lobangs in marketing/branding/biz development please kindly remember your friend here :) Feeling all nostalgic now. In 2 weeks I'll have finished my last exam as an undergraduate. Damn fast.
What an uninspired post. The only company I have right now is this lone ant which was crawling across my arm. 'Was crawling' because I duly grabbed it and flung it out my window. Damn ants invading my room. You know you've hit an all-time low when you talk about stray ants. I'm just gonna go to sleep now. You know you've stayed up too late when you hear the national anthem being played on radio...I need some sleep. Zzzzz..Perfect timing for the rain.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Late Night Sessions
as told by
5:01 AM