The game you've been waiting for is finally here! Guitar Hero - Devil's Music + whole lack of originality + blatant plagiarism= GUITAR PRAISE!!
What really surprised me was the lack of any decent effort to even mask the fact that it's a rip-off from the guitar hero franchise. Even the colours for the fret buttons are the same! From the trailer it doesn't seem to have any unique features either. Oh well.
Really brings back memories of this old educational video on Satan's music titled "HELLS BELLZ" (yes it was really spelt with a Z. Maybe that's a mark of the devil? That would explain the hordes of cutesy maple story-playing guys and girls who masaccre the english language on a hourly basis). It was a video which every ACS boy was made top watch when they hit 15, to educate them on the evils of loud, jarring music. All I remember was the big frizzy hair everyone had in the show, and that 'Hotel California' played backwards was a message from the Devil. The school was so strict on this, they even made one of our seniors destory a copy of "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" by the Smashing Pumpkins (aaaaah heartpain heartpain) which he had bought in M'sia during a school trip.
Scared me so much that I actually listened to Mando-pop for a good year or so, abandoning 98.7 FM (it was the hot station for young kids then) for 93.3FM, trading good ol' Gun 'n Roses for the Grasshoppers (I have a whole collection of chinese CDs to prove this ok).
Oh well. Now we have Guitar Praise. Woohoo.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Guitars Are For Everyone
as told by
7:50 PM