"Good morning..Good morning..Good morning..Good morning.." was what Kanye West greeted a packed indoor stadium on a warm and humid Wednesday night, sending the entire crowd into a frenzy. A photo-taking frenzy none the less. Camera flashes started going off non stop from all over the stadium, like fireworks on national day. Sibei fierce leh!
I had the good fortune of having Kossy as a friend, who generously offered me tickets to catch the man himself, Mr Kanye West at his Glow in the Dark Tour. Free concerts rock!
Didn't expect much since I'm not really a fan, but I must say the man knows how to work the crowd, and the stage: He was literally jumping and prancing all over for almost 2 hours like an Energizer bunny overdosing on steroids, dishing out all his hit songs.
Had went to the concert expecting to sit down, relac-one-corner and take in the music as I wasn't very familiar with his songs, but halfway through we were all standing up and cheering like a bunch of young secondary school girls, responding wildly to his calls of "Put your hands up! uh!", which was said with more manliness than James Lye could ever muster as a cop in Triple Nine (if you know what I'm talking about, that means you're getting old, just like me. Or you could be a James Lye groupie).
MTV VJ Utt was seated a few rows below us, the dude looked quite lonely waving a flash stick and jiving to the music all by himself, while his date sat there looking emotionless. I don't think he'll be going with her to any concerts in future. And neither will the kid seated in front of me who was happily playing his Nintendo DS lite during the encore. What a burn.
Now all I've got to do is hope I get to go for Rihanna. hurhur.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Glow Baby Glow!
as told by
3:30 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Guitars Are For Everyone
The game you've been waiting for is finally here! Guitar Hero - Devil's Music + whole lack of originality + blatant plagiarism= GUITAR PRAISE!!
What really surprised me was the lack of any decent effort to even mask the fact that it's a rip-off from the guitar hero franchise. Even the colours for the fret buttons are the same! From the trailer it doesn't seem to have any unique features either. Oh well.
Really brings back memories of this old educational video on Satan's music titled "HELLS BELLZ" (yes it was really spelt with a Z. Maybe that's a mark of the devil? That would explain the hordes of cutesy maple story-playing guys and girls who masaccre the english language on a hourly basis). It was a video which every ACS boy was made top watch when they hit 15, to educate them on the evils of loud, jarring music. All I remember was the big frizzy hair everyone had in the show, and that 'Hotel California' played backwards was a message from the Devil. The school was so strict on this, they even made one of our seniors destory a copy of "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" by the Smashing Pumpkins (aaaaah heartpain heartpain) which he had bought in M'sia during a school trip.
Scared me so much that I actually listened to Mando-pop for a good year or so, abandoning 98.7 FM (it was the hot station for young kids then) for 93.3FM, trading good ol' Gun 'n Roses for the Grasshoppers (I have a whole collection of chinese CDs to prove this ok).
Oh well. Now we have Guitar Praise. Woohoo.
as told by
7:50 PM
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Woah. First post since I've graduated. Here's a list of stuff I can remember doing since then:
1. Finished Crisis Core
2. Played lots of Canoe Polo
3. Packed my room
4. Gamble
5. Listen to Lush 99.5
In a nutshell, I've been having a really good break heh. Not to mention my Melbourne trip with my buddies which I'm really excited about. Woohoo! Life is great. Now all I need is to find a job, and for Crowning Stroke to finally take off. It's been too long!
as told by
2:59 AM
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Inspiring Hookers Since 1970
" Hunky action hero Jason Statham, actress Amy Smart, Efren Ramirez and country crooner Dwight Yoakam are reprising their roles in the action drama Crank 2: High Voltage, the sequel to 2006's Crank. Bai Ling, who makes more Hollywood headlines for her frequent appearance on tabloid "Worst Dressed Lists" than for her acting assigments, has signed on to star as a hooker."
Easy money I say. She already looks the part, and that's half the battle won. She's so lucky. Why won't anyone hire me to act in the role of a bum who's scraping past his last few days of university? It's amazing how much publicity this woman gets. Why do they still bother inviting her to so many media events? Check out her sad, sad history here. I checked out the definition of "Bai Ling" on the internet, and here's what I got:
Bai Ling
(also see Paris Hilton; Media Whore)
| 1. A person who has a psychological need to get into TV, Film, Radio or Print. 2. A person who becomes aroused almost sexually by seeing or hearing themselves or about themselves in the media. |
as told by
11:06 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Final Exam
Matric card......check
PILOT Super Grip pen......check
FABRE-CASTELL 2B pencil......check
KCK pencil sharpener......check
4 year old eraser......check
It's my final final examinations in NUS, and this time I'm going old school with my 2B pencil and sharpener. Wish me luck!
Gwen Stefani says its 4 in the morning, I've got 4 minutes to save the world, and its 4 times that I've went running this year. Smells like doomsday is upon us. 4 more days to the end of my uni life...countdown to 30 April. ORD loh!
This blog post was proudly brought to you by the number 4, the letters E-X-A-M, and nostalgic influences from the past.
as told by
1:39 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Flesh Imp Caught Red Handed?
I was walking around in town recently and saw someone wearing this Flesh Imp tee:Now compare that to this Threadless Design:
Even though a one-eyed monkey with half a brain and one scrotum could see that the only difference between both designs is the "Flesh Imp" logo in the middle. I don't know the story behind this, neither was I able to find info from the Flesh Imp site so I'll just leave it up to your fine judgment.
What's worrying is that this isn't an isolated case, check out the link for more:
as told by
2:29 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Late Night Sessions
It came swiftly and suddenly without warning - a flash of lightning, a crack of thunder, followed by a heavy downpour. Shocked me shitless - The shit in me almost flew out of my ass. Pretty graphic ain't it?
17 April 2008 marks the day of my last lecture I probably will ever experience in my NUS life. PR2202 Perfume and Cosmetics. Out of all the science lectures I've attended, this one definitely has the highest number of girls. I guess that's where all the girls in science come from: pharmacy or life-science. Shows you how lousy I am in trying to meet girls: I joined the Quantitative Finance Major in the science faculty and canoe-polo (8 out of 12 lor. haha). Thank goodness I got lucky :)
Seeing how I'm about to graduate, any job offers out there? Particularly for lobangs in marketing/branding/biz development please kindly remember your friend here :) Feeling all nostalgic now. In 2 weeks I'll have finished my last exam as an undergraduate. Damn fast.
What an uninspired post. The only company I have right now is this lone ant which was crawling across my arm. 'Was crawling' because I duly grabbed it and flung it out my window. Damn ants invading my room. You know you've hit an all-time low when you talk about stray ants. I'm just gonna go to sleep now. You know you've stayed up too late when you hear the national anthem being played on radio...I need some sleep. Zzzzz..Perfect timing for the rain.
as told by
5:01 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Rain rain go away
Fuckin' beautiful song. An old single from Breaking Benjamin. Enjoy.
On a side note, the chorus sums up my feelings for this weekend:
"Rain rain go away,
Come again another day,
All the world is waiting for the sun."
Go away rain! We're having canoe-polo matches over the weekend, and any rain just delays the entire schedule. I'm hoping for good weather!
as told by
1:55 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
click click click
All I've been doing the past few days is hole myself up in my room to finish up my Private Equity assignment..writing analytical papers are such a pain in the ass. Some how I keep on missing out on the critical points here and there. Oh bother. Thank goodness I don't need the grade to push my CAP so I'm not that stressed out, although there's a really bitter taste in my mouth for submitting such a sub-standard piece of work. Wish I had a week to do more research and re-write the paper..haha yeah right. Who cares! I just need to graduate :)
Picked up a copy of "the First Degree", which is a mag published by Today newspaper on scholarships, the other day with the intention to pass it to my really smart sister who scored 4As and a B for her GP or whatever it's called now. Unless she royally fucks up her degree, she would have beaten me at every single educational milestone. Really proud of her though, despite all my taunts of "You're gonna fail and have to retake your As, la la la~", I'm really happy for her!
I was flipping through the mag and I realize they have chosen to use my batch of scholars to advertise. It's really scary seeing all these familiar faces, and realizing the different paths we've took despite being in the same JC a mere 6 years ago. Makes you wonder where life will take you in the next 6 years..I wonder what's in store for me? (after flipping through a few more pages I realize they make every scholarship sound so fun and interesting. Kudos to the copywriters. They should help me write my resume.) By the way! Went to the RJC site recently and realized they're still using a photo of students from my year on the main page.
Anyway here's one of the very first shoes which I lusted after..the Nike Dunk SB Diamond aka the Tiffany Dunk, designed by Diamond Supply Co. Really sweet colourway, matched with a crocodile skin print and a metallic swoosh to boot. Too bad by the time I discovered sneakers this limited edition baby was being resold at the absurd price of $600(and up). Damn you all resellers hoping to make a quick buck off poor students like me. This is the shoe which I believe was responsible for me almost failing a test as it started me on a 3 hour shoe viewing session online. Aaah..the folly of youth.
as told by
1:21 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tying the Knot
HMMM...I wonder....
Before marriage....
He: Yes. At last. It was so hard to wait.
She: Do you want me to leave?
He: No! Don't even think about it.
She: Do you love me?
He: Of course! Over and over!
She: Have you ever cheated on me?
He: No! Why are you even asking?
She: Will you kiss me?
He: Every chance I get.
She: Will you hit me?
He: Are you crazy! I'm not that kind of person!
She: Can I trust you?
He: Yes.
She: Darling!
After marriage....
Simply read from bottom to top.
as told by
6:13 PM
Friday, March 07, 2008
Friday is Laksa Day
Just came back from Alexandra Market with Sweeting! Woohoo! You may be wondering, "WTF is so exciting about Alexandra Market?" Well I've got 3 words and 4 syllables for you: CLAY POT LAKSA!! To be precise, Depot Road (formerly) clay pot laksa! Fiery hot laksa sauce, kept pippin hot in your very own clay pot filled to the brim with 100% laksa goodness. My only complain is that the portion is kinda small, hence we had to adjourn to a nearby coffeeshop where they serve all kinds of fantastic kuey. Soon Kuey, Peng Kuey, Ang Ku Kuey, everything they have! They even have mango filling, which we tried, and we liked! Good stuff cannot bluff. Not to mention the kuey is cheap, going for 60-80 cents a piece. This is unlike the other kuey shop located near the main road, which sells mini-versions of their kuey at the same prices, making their living off unsuspecting passer-bys who have no knowledge of the other kuey shop. Either that or they justify their price with the many celebrity endorsements of their shop, which they plaster all over their walls. Oh well, whatever rocks one's boat.
Have been planning for my grad trip to melbourne over the past few weeks with the ac guys, and I've come to realise that even the act of searching for air tickets is enjoyable. Must be due to the anticipation of going on a holiday. Can't wait for it! Bye bye NUS!
To everyone who's gonna be at the INCUBUS concert tonight, see you all there! Woohoo! I'm really stoked about it! A big thank you to Kossy for making it all possible :)
And once again here's another cool collaboration, this time between Converse and Australian artist, Jeremyville. Love his stuff.Photo from www.jeremyville.com, click here to see more!
as told by
2:10 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
So many things have been happening in the past month or so, with school work, trainings, projects, crowning stroke, poker & mahjong, public holidays, an old friend coming back to Singapore after disappearing for a year.
Phew! I'm just glad I have a really understanding and caring girlfriend who puts up with all my oddities and stuff which requires my attention. =)
Anyway I'll be off to Bangkok in a few days time for a shopping trip with my sis! It's even better that my buddies Jit and Siki will be there in the same time. Not too sure I deserve this break, but heck lah. You're only young once!
Anyway check out this sick custom sneaker, done up by local customizers HYPETHETIC and designed by local designer ANTZ (who is a judge for TEEAse t-shirt design competition organized by Crowning Stroke). Really sweet details on the shoe. You gotta love them dragons. Don't you wish you had one? I know I do.HYPETHETIC X ANTZ: SONS OF A BATTLE CRY
Click here to see more pics!
as told by
3:35 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
No Motivation
It's a wonderfully cool Tuesday night, and it's the first night of 2008 which I will be spending in my hall room at old KR. wheeee! Took me a good 2 weeks to move in, amidst cries of "Waste money leh you" and "Stay hall for what?" from the good people around me. Apparently, my reasoning that "home is more comfortable" is not a valid excuse from the high percentage of people who shake their heads and roll their eyes at that reason.
So here I am, in my (some-what) clean room, missing the comforts of home. Normally at this time I should be watching Mythbusters or The Deadliest Catch. Fantastic stuff from the Discovery Channel. Oh well, last chance to enjoy school life. Might as well make the best of it by spending more time on campus. Not that it makes me any more motivated to work hard this sem, considering how I'm stuck right in the middle of my honours class. No motivation ah! Which brings to mind Greenday in their dookie days (best album ever), where they were still rockin': I got no motivation/Where is my motivation/No time for motivation/Smoking my inspiration
Got to agree with them, less the smoking. I rather spend the $ on twister fries then on ciggs. 1 pack of ciggs = 4 large twister fries. Utility-wise, twister fries trash ciggs anyday. Although if you eat the dollar equivalent of fries to match 1 pack of ciggs a day, you'll probably die of heart attack. Same destination, different route. Same same but different.
Ok, enough talk about death, CNY is just around the corner! So here's a happy picture of myself taken at Macs for everyone who still bothers reading my blog. Cheers!
as told by
9:32 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
One of the most irritating things would have to be: wanting to cut your nails, but not being able to find the nail cutter. I'm currently having a really weird tingly sensation at the tip of my fingers and toes.
Sucks asssssss.
Anyway I've got tons and tons of stuff to mention about in the new year, but I'll sum it into 2 points:
#1 I had a great birthday surprise planned by my fantastic gf, she planned an entire dinner with my ac pals without me knowing. Really tricky. Thank you dear! Not to mention she got me a spanking new PSP Slim. HURHUR. DIE FROM ENVY EVERYONE ELSE! Also love the bag all my other friends chipped in for. Thanks! Felt the love!
#2 I finally launched my competition! Titled: TEEase t-shirt design competition, its open to everyone who has always wanted to have their designs printed and sold on a t-shirt. Do check it out at www.crowningstroke.com! Great prizes to be won! Do also tell all your friends. Spread the love! Much appreciated to all the support we've gotten so far :)
last sem in uni..whoohoo..
as told by
2:20 AM
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Turtle Power!
Seriously, this kid has more talent in his five fingers then I have in my entire body combined. And that's a lot considering how much body I've gained recently. Reminds me when I was younger and utterly obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (who wasn't?), which showed 630pm every weekday on SBC. All you oldies should know what I'm talking about. Only difference is his turtle drawings made them look mean and fierce, my drawings looked more like they got run over by a really, really big tank. So much for the art classes I took when I was young. Sorry mum!
as told by
10:04 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
no $ no t-shirts
Thanksgiving has just passed in the US of A, and almost every online shop is having a Black Friday sale. Which makes me a very sad man because I want to get everything but obviously do not have enough $$ to do so. Damn my obsessions with t-shirts.
It's the examination period now, and my first paper is on the 4th of Dec, which leaves me a lot of time to burn before my exams even start. Yawn. On the flip side this may be a good thing, because the amount of preparation and planning I'm going through now for Crowning Stroke is increasing day by day. It's amazing how the number of things which need to be fine tuned increases at an exponential rate.
By the way, Crowning Stroke is a t-shirt business I started with Kossy, a friend of mine. We're currently in the midst of preparing for the launch of a t-shirt design competition slated for Jan 2008, so any interested designers reading this do check back for updates or even drop me a mail for a friendly chat if you want to =)
I managed to catch The Pillowman last sat, and I was blown away by the storytelling and acting. Fantastic stuff. I won't even try to describe the genius of the playwright, Martin McDonagh or the greatness of the director and actors, because I don't think I would be able to do them justice at all with my mediocre English. Anyone who did catch the play will know what I mean, to those who wanted to but didn't, all I can say is you really missed out big time. haha!
as told by
5:04 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Liverpool vs Besiktas
Sweet, sweet jubilation. Let's hope they carry on with this new found momentum. Woohoo!
as told by
1:21 AM
Late Night Listening
A real gem of a song, one of my favourites ever.
"Can money pay for all the days I lived awake but half asleep?"
as told by
1:07 AM
Monday, November 05, 2007
It's going to be meeeeeee.....!
With music from the Little Mermaid. Everyone loves a warlock. Haha! From a webcomic which I read quite often...check it out at: Looking For Group
as told by
1:20 AM
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What the....
A note of advice to everyone who's reading this: Guys wearing small and tight running shorts should NOT jiggle their butts in public. Just in case you missed that, I repeat: GUYS WEARING ONLY SMALL AND TIGHT RUNNING SHORTS SHOULD NOT JIGGLE THEIR BUTTS IN PUBLIC.
This incident happened 2 nights ago, while I was buying supper at Raffles Hall. The guy was next to me in queue, and suddenly started dancing and jiggling his butt at his female friend who was with him. The girl actually found it funny and not mortifying like I did. Goodness. If any of your friends attempt to do this bastardly act which I have just described, for the love of the world please smack them unconscious and proceed to steal all their valuables for me.
This has left such a strong impression on me that I still get the shivers whenever the image pops up in my mind. Which has been pretty often since it happened. Damn it.
as told by
10:28 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Lost Virginity.
Yes, you read that right. On this date, I, Yuen Weng Yue Alvin, have officially lost my virgnity..for my eyebrows. My eyebrows were meticulously shaped and tweezed into the neat form there are in now, after Liling brought me to Little India to have them threaded. It happened so fast, a mere 5 minutes from the point I stepped into the small crowded room smelly faintly of hair oil to where I left, tears welling from my eyes and with my wallet $5 lighter. Ok, not my wallet, Liling's actually. She paid for it. Don't get me wrong, I went willingly for the threading. Well, you only live once and it doesn't hurt to try new things..right? Actually in this case it bloody hurt, it took a decent amount of self control not to flinch and show any signs of weakness to the bemused lady AND ALL THE SMALL KIDS IN THE ROOM whom I presumed were part of her extended family...stress leh. Anyway my brows still sting slight, and its been 5 hours? Anyway the girlfriend likes it so I guess it's all worth it.
Went to Gayatri Restaurant that for dinner, a really homely place which serves this really MAX fish head curry for only $10. We were pretty lucky as it's a special offer for Mondays and Wednesdays so we had to order it. You don't go against fate when it throws cheap and good fish head curry your way. We also had the tandoori chicken, garlic and cheese naan, mee goreng and gobi dry, which is basically fried cauliflower. Really, really good stuff. The waitress was really friendly as well and helped sneaked us a plate of free chicken curry for our naan. What a lovely lady! No pictures cos we gobbled up everything in record time. Daaamn shiok.
Anyway, it's that time of the year again, when the NUS Sports Awards arrives. Somehow of late I've been hearing a lot of stuff about the Dragon Boat Team, the usual stuff again as nothing really changes year to year. I'm not going to go into details here, if you've been doing sports in NUS you should have some sort of idea what I'm talking about. What is surprising though is that I'm hearing all these stuff from various people who do not know one another, and these people are more or less saying the same thing about SRC's favourite team. Oh well, what I've learned over these 4 years is that life is unfair sometimes, and management can be pretty stubborn about certain things. Arguements have been had, heated words have been exchanged, hopes have been dashed and tears have been shed, (damn drama hor? haha) but at the end of the day, I say we just play the sports that we love, and ignore all these things.
Though I wonder, when will he name of the sports gym be changed to: "THE DRAGON BOAT GYM", especially since they seem to be hogging it all the time. That would be a sight! haha!
as told by
1:03 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
Benny Lava
Really, really funny stuff. Watch it with the volume turned up! I recommend you not watch this at work, it won't do to be seen in a laughing fit by your boss.
as told by
2:02 AM